O que significa entertainment?

YouTuber Nikocado Avocado shocked fans with a drastic physical transformation: The influencer, known for his "Mukbang" videos in which he consumes an enormous amount of food, says he lost 250 pounds.

Inauthentic castle in Disneyland amusement park Architects who push the boundaries of design or construction sometimes create buildings that are entertaining because they exceed the expectations of the public and the client and are aesthetically outstanding.

Two of the chief architectural concerns for the design of venues for mass audiences are speed of egress and safety. The speed at which the venue empty is important both for amenity and safety, because large crowds take a long time to disperse from a badly designed venue, which creates a safety risk.

Banquets have been a venue for amusement, entertainment or pleasure since ancient times,[52] continuing into the modern era.[53] until the 21st century when they are still being used for many of their original purposes – to impress visitors, especially important ones; to show hospitality; as an occasion to showcase supporting entertainments such as music or dancing, or both. They were an integral part of court entertainments and helped entertainers develop their skills. They are also important components of celebrations such as coronations, weddings, birthdays civic or political achievements, military engagements or victories as well as religious obligations, one of the most famous being the Banqueting House, Whitehall in London.

Interactive books such as "choose your own adventure" can make literary entertainment more participatory.

When Jon Bon Jovi agreed to let director Gotham Chopra follow him with a camera for a documentary about the history of his band, Bon Jovi, he didn’t anticipate it would catch him at a major low point in his career. One of his vocal cords was atrophying, and he needed surgery to get his voice back.

Many contests between animals are now regarded as sports – for example, horse racing is regarded as both a sport and an important source of entertainment. Its economic impact means that it is also considered a global industry, one in which horses are carefully transported around the world to compete in races.

What is entertainment for one group or individual may be regarded as work or an act of cruelty by another.

The wide variety of musical performances, whether or not they are artificially amplified, all provide entertainment irrespective of whether the performance is from soloists, choral or orchestral groups, or ensemble. Live performances use specialised venues, which might be small or large; indoors or outdoors; free or expensive.[67] The audiences have different expectations of the performers as well as of their own role in the performance.

They watched as "lions and bears danced to the music of pipes and cymbals; horses were trained to kneel, bow, dance and prance ... acrobats turning handsprings over wild lions and vaulting over wild leopards." There were "violent confrontations with wild beasts" and "performances over time became more brutal and bloodier".[138]

A seafarer tells the young Sir Walter Raleigh and his brother the story of what happened 九游娱乐app out at sea. Storytelling is an ancient form of entertainment that has influenced almost all other forms. It is "not only entertainment, it is also thinking through human conflicts and contradictions".[17] Hence, although stories may be delivered directly to a small listening audience, they are also presented as entertainment and used as a component of any piece that relies on a narrative, such as film, drama, ballet, and opera. Written stories have been enhanced by illustrations, often to a very high artistic standard, for example, on illuminated manuscripts and on ancient scrolls such as Japanese ones.

” The two actors sat down with AP entertainment journalist Leslie Ambriz to talk about their bond, the power of the “Star Wars” fandom — and their future in that galaxy far, far away.

But all the same, I think it is the most wonderful thing that I have ever experienced, and I congratulate you with all my heart on this wonderful discovery.

I became accustomed to reading [novels] and that small fault made me cool my desire and will to do other tasks. I thought nothing of spending many hours a day and night in this vain exercise, hidden from my father. My rapture in this was so great, that unless I had a new book to read, it seemed to me that I could not be happy. quoted in Fischer (2003)[76] Reading has been a source of entertainment for a very long time, especially when other forms, such as performance entertainments, were (or are) either unavailable or too costly. Even when the primary purpose of the writing is to inform or instruct, reading is well known for its capacity to distract from everyday worries.

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